![]() THE ORGAN OF THE BRIDGEWATER HALL In 2012, we produced a video all about the magnificent pipe organ of The Bridgewater Hall Manchester, UK. You can watch the video below. |
GREAT ORGAN 29. Principal 16 30. Octave 8 I-III 31. Gr. Flûte 8 32. Gambe 8 33. Rohrgedackt 8 34. Octave 4 I-III 35. Spitzflöte 4 36. Quint 2 2/3 37. Octave 2 I-III 38. Cornet V 39. Mixtur VI-VII 40. Scharf III-IV 41. Trompete 16 42. Trompete 8 43. Trompete 4 SWELL ORGAN [ENCLOSED] 44. Bourdon 16 45. Flûte harmonique 8 46. Diapason 8 47. Viola di Gamba 8 48. Voix celeste 8 49. Flûte á cheminée 8 50. Prestant 4 51. Flûte octaviante 4 52. Nazard 2 2/3 53. Octavin 2 54. Tierce 1 3/5 55. Piccolo 1 56. Plein jeu V-VII 57. Basson 16 58. Trompette 8 59. Hautbois 8 60. Voix humaine 8 61. Clairon 4 Tremulant |
SOLO ORGAN [ENCLOSED] 62. Flûte traversière 8 63. Gedackt 8 64. Fugara 8 65. Unda Maris 8 66. Salicet 4 67. Rohrflöte 4 68. Flöte 2 69. Clarinette 8 [UNENCLOSED] 70. Bourdon 16 71. Gr. Tierce 3 1/5 72. Cornet V [EN CHAMADE] 73. Trompete 16 74. Trompete 8 I 75. Trompete 8 II 76. Trompete 4 Tremulant COUPLERS 12 Stops Solo to Positiv Swell to Positiv Solo to Great Swell to Great Positiv to Great Solo to Swell Solo to Pedal Swell to Pedal Great to Pedal Positiv to Pedal Great and Pedal Combinations coupled ACCESSORIES 8 toe pistons to Pedal Organ 8 thumb pistons to Choir Organ 8 thumb pistons to Great Organ 8 thumb pistons to Swell Organ 8 thumb pistons to Solo Organ 8 General thumb/toe pistons General Cancel thumb piston Next and Previous thumb and toe pistons General Crescendo |
Jonathan Scott is Associate Artist of The Bridgewater Hall and gives regular
on the hall's organ - upcoming organ concerts can be found here ![]() |